This is the automatic irrigation system with soft plastic tube.

The net-house pilot model of Mr. Thang

In 7th September 2016, Anh Duong organized seminar on Improvement net-house pilot model in Phuong Phu commune, Phuong Hiep district,  #Haugiang #Vietnam . At the conference, the staff reported the results of models.

Farmers and professional technical staff exchanged techniques, how to design a green house and automatically irrigation system, techniques for growing some vegetables safely in a #greenhouse . This workshop also creates condition for #people to replicate effective models after implementation of the pilot. 

Mrs. Diem is reporting the result of model

Mrs. Diem is reporting the result of model

The workshop attracted more than 30 farmers in surrounding communes of Phung Hiep and Long My district attended. #ngo  #poor  #villager  #dogood #donate  #socialwork  #vegetable

 #hanoi #hochiminh   #phunghiep  #farming #seminar  #meeting  #workshop

Participants is viewing the net-house model


8th Sep 2016

Prepared by Minh