Ánh Dương is just a small organization even though the programs have reached a large size: over 200 villages, more than 100.000 direct beneficiaries every year. Why do we want to share our experiences? We have 2 basic motivations:

ü  We are small, so we feel we must tell a wider public, and the decision makers, about our experience and how development can be done efficiently, at very low cost, in a sustainable manner. We are so fortunate to spend our time with the peasants of remote areas, to share their worries and hopes, their views are so enriching. It is a sort of debt we have with them, we must share with you. The short stories, reports and videos are the fruit of intense team work.

ü  We have many successes and also failures and frustrations. With no hesitation we want to share them with all involved also in development work so that one would know what we did wrong. Maybe then we will all save time.

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