We are really happy when receiving an email from our visitors after the tour. Normally, Anh Duong team organizes the tours for our friends who have interested in our activities about community support in the weekend during 2019-until now.

Begin the May with a couple Johann and Bianka from German on Monday morning. Through friends network, they know our project and have impressive with some cases we are supporting scholarship and other supports to the very poor students.

“I’m Johann Wlassa – Brad Reed connected us recently, and I donated already for one of the AD campaigns we talked about in our last conversation. My wife and I really like the Mekong and would like to donate to AD campaigns once in a while to support that area… We booked a trip to Can Tho from April 29th to May 03rd. Great chance also to visit the Hau Giang Provinz where the focus of AD is. Is there any chance to visit some place where AD helped with their campaigns? So we can learn more about where the donations go and how they help that specific area… Appreciate if you can let us know your thoughts.

And they would like to find out in real with the motorbike tour around our project.

“We booked a trip to Can Tho from April 29th to May 03rd. Great chance also to visit the Hau Giang Provinz where the focus of AD is.

Is there any chance to visit some place where AD helped with their campaigns? So we can learn more about where the donations go and how they help that specific area…”

We are so happy when receiving their comments after the tour:

“…many thanks for hosting us and introducing us into the AD organisation and projects.
We are very impressed about the work of AD and happy to support a bit from our side to help others.

It was a pleasure to meet you all today.
All the best,
Johann and Bianka”

We hope all our friends happy and enjoy with our tours too. In addition to improving the quality of community support, we are trying to improve the quality of tour organization better and better and bring satisfaction to all of our visitors.
Anh Duong team
May 4, 2021