Anh Duong has been undertaking projects in poor communities within Long My and Phung Hiep districts of Hau Giang Province since 2005. These projects aim to help women, children and poor households improve their living standards. As a result of the projects, Anh Duong has attained some significant achievements:

1. Poverty Reduction Program

* Micro finance project: Anh Duong has helped 4,703 poor households to get out of poverty in a sustainable way. There are now 2,502 poor households receiving micro-loans from Anh Duong to develop their livings through crop cultivation, livestock, fisheries or small trading. In the first year, we provide microcredit with 0% interest to help them get acquainted with the program. Besides, we also help them with agricultural techniques, farming, as well as supporting vaccines for animals. For the second year, we apply a 0.5% interest rate on their loan to cover local administrative costs. We have a team of collaborators working in the community, helping to manage and operate local operations, and people can easily communicate with us through collaborators.

* Rebuilding new houses: 146 new houses have been built for very poor households whose houses collapsed as a result of big storms. Recently, we are implementing the model of making plastic houses to support the community. Instead of traditional tole roofing, we recycle plastic waste into roofing sheets and sesame walls to build houses for the community. With this model, we expect to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the community and raise awareness when using products with plastic packaging.

Please see this video below:

2. Agriculture Program 

* Technical training courses: Anh Duong has organized 817 technical training sessions with 2,850 participants. These people have been equipped with knowledge relating to crop cultivation, livestock, and fishery management.

* Promoting agriculture methodologies: Anh Duong has piloted new models to help farmers learn and apply new techniques to improve and diversify their farming activities. The application of these new models has helped farmers to increase their crop productivity, limit some diseases on animals and reduce environment pollution. Examples of these models include:

– Growing vegetables in a net garden using auto nozzles

– Vegetables-Animals-Cages-Biogas-Latrines (VACBH)

– Chicken rearing utilising biological methods

– Pig rearing utilising microbiological methods

– Fish models, incubator models, eel models, mushroom and vegetables models

Anh Duong has piloted the models with 412 households. 

3. Workshops

After implementing some pilot models successfully, Anh Duong organized workshops to share their knowledge with farmers. Anh Duong held 20 workshops with 877 participants. The workshops focused on key models for the local areas including how to rear eels, grow vegetables in net houses, raise pigs using microbiological methods, rear fish and waste disposal models using Trichoderma.

* Treatment and injection for of animals: Anh Duong has provided finances for animals to receive treatment and injections – 523 pigs, 3,004 chickens and 5,048 ducks.

* Contest for farmers/dialogues: Anh Duong organizes contests for farmers each year. To date, 9 contests in 16 communes have been organized. Through the contests, the farmers are equipped with the knowledge of regulations and policies as well as different types of agricultural production to apply to their models.

* Effective models visit: Farmers are given the opportunity to visit effective models and learn from them. They are able to learn new technology to apply to their own models. Anh Duong has organized 25 visits to external and internal districts with 486 farmers. Model projects visited related to shrimps, pigs, mushrooms, rice and biogas, vegetables and fish, flowers etc.

4. Employment Program

Anh Duong has contributed to the local community in the areas of rural transportation, socio-economic development and facilitating safe travel for students from remote areas to go to school. Anh Duong has financially supported 162 km of road and 245 small concrete bridges. We have also worked to improve job opportunities and incomes for women in rural communities, including the creation of 95 jobs for local women and men in Handicraft groups (quilting, pappier mache, water hyacinth, laptop bags). 

5. Education Program

* Scholarships: Anh Duong has provided 21,083 scholarships for poor students in primary, secondary and high school across 24 communes in Long My and Phung Hiep and Vi Thuy districts. These scholarships allow students to have a greater chance of attending school and work to minimize drop outs. In primary and secondary schools, we provide 500,000 VND per student per year. In high schools, we support a million per student per year. 

*Health education: Anh Duong has implemented oral and respiratory activities in 42 kindergartens, reaching 14,663 children. We have also implemented oral health activities in 76 primary schools with 29,776 students. These activities help the students to practice good oral hygiene and protect their oral health. They also equip the teachers and parents with knowledge about some common diseases so they can better take care of the children.

* Eyes screening: Anh Duong implements this activity in 72 primary schools. Anh Duong has provided the finance for students to have their eyes checked at eye clinics. We have also provided 706 pairs of glasses for students who have needed them.

* Inclusive education: Anh Duong has implemented this activity in 5 primary schools, involving 54 children with disabilities.

* Computer classes: This program is operating in 15 schools, with 150 computers, to help 6,300 students to practice using computers.

* Books activity: Anh Duong has started 6 book libraries in primary and secondary schools, reaching 3,081 students.

* School facilities improvement: Anh Duong provides the finances to schools to help supply some items for kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools. Anh Duong has supported 25 schoolyards-seats-green trees, 8 roofs and 9 hand sinks. This helps students to have more entertainment options after classes and to have greater access to personal hygiene activities. 

6. Health & gender program  

* Gender issues and domestic violence prevention program: Since this activity has been implemented by Anh Duong it has been effective in providing assistance for the rural women in the local community in the following ways:

– 211 training sessions in the local community with topics such as domestic violence and how to prevent it, gender issues, laws of gender equality and domestic violence, laws of marriage, spending management for disadvantaged households, lifetime management, temper control, the methods of active teaching, human psychology, consultant skills for victims of domestic violence, child sexual abuse, consultant skills for sexual abused children.

– 61 reliable addresses in 18 communes from Long My and Phung Hiep Districts. There were 6 cases for legal aids at the reliable addresses to have a safe shelter and 60 cases for giving advice.

–  Anh Duong also aims to help micro loans for 36 women of clubs and increasing 36% average income.

* Sexual education & life skills: Anh Duong are implementing this program in 15 secondary schools. We have held 611 training courses for  20,634 students. The knowledge of the students before the training sessions was 50.45%, and after training it increased to 96.57%.

* Medical support: Anh Duong has organized 354 training sessions on the topics of supported HFMD, asthma, dengue fever, and gynecologic diseases, H1N1 influenza, etc. with 10,514 participants including students, teachers and local people. Anh Duong provided financial support for 196 poor people to have treatment.

Sport events on non smoking day: Anh Duong organizes this event annually with participants from communes of Long My District. Since 2005, 19,370 people have participated. This competition includes a volleyball competition, boat race, bicycle race and marathon race for men and women. The event aims to inform local people about the harms and consequences of tobacco. 

7. Hygiene & environment program:

Anh Duong has built about 2,709 wells, 3,332 latrines and 1,223 biogas systems for local households. This activity aims to encourage and help the local people to be aware of protecting the environment and their families health.

Anh Duong  encourages the poor villagers on using recycling plastic panels to build houses:

From Jan 2020 till now, Anh Duong has supported 16 poor households to build houses from recycling plastic panels and 1 school furniture for 1 classroom in Le Van Tam primary school.

Please see more:


Updated on 7th April 2021

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