On 28/8/2021: Anh Duong center recieved 26 rice bags (need more 83 bags) . We already gave 22 bags to the poor households.
Thank you very much for your support!
Dear friends,
Anh Duong center supports the poor households with microloan to conduct livelihood model. Currently, we provide loan to more than 1800 poor households at Long My, Vi Thuy, Phung Hiep and Long My township. The global pandemic Covid-19 affect the poor people so much. So we need 150 rice bags to support the poor (350.000VND for a 25kg rice bag).
Last month, we also gave 41 rice bags to the families, so we need more 109 more because there are more people in need.
We would like to collect the supports from all of you to help us implement this activities.
Thank you for your reading and sharing the news and make a polite act.
All support please transfer to Anh Duong Center bank account as below:
Bank account: 7002201000772, Agribank – Long My branch
or you can donate on PayPal account
Best wishes!
Anh Duong team
Here are some photos that Anh Du
ong gave rice bag to poor households.

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