Ánh Dương (i.e ”Sun Ray”), Community Development and Support Center is a Vietnamese NGO that operates poverty-reduction and community development programs in poor and remote areas of
Hậu Giang province of Vietnam. It was established in 2008 and was registered by VUSTA (Vietnam Union of Scientific Technology Associations). Our efforts are focused to benefit the lives and futures of the poorest of the poor. Priority is given to disadvantaged children and women.

Ánh Dương staff are all Vietnamese born and have backgrounds in agriculture, aquaculture, health, micro finance and/or social work. This diversity allows us to undertake a wide variety of valued projects to meet the needs that are identified in each community. Our staff is highly motivated to help the poor through sustainable development and self help programs. We are presently working in 8 communes in Long Mỹ  district, 8 communes in Long My township, 8 communes in Phụng Hiệp district and 2 communes in Vi Thuy district, Hậu Giang province. Each community decides what its needs are and its current capacity to address them. Ánh Dương then works (and priorities) with each community to best meet those needs.

Ánh Dương to date reach estimated direct beneficiaries through their various development program

  • 27,000 members of very poor households (training, follow-up, micro loans
  • 19.000 members of families benefiting from the women’s and farmers groups (training)
  • 41,500 students with health education program
  • 70,000 people using the new bridges and roads (about 30 new bridges/year)
  • 6,300 pupils using the computer classes (computers and training)
  • 7,200 family members with newly improved sanitation facilities (latrines, wells, biogas).

Our successes are due to the hands on, field-based work of our committed team. Cooperation and trust between local village people and our staff is very strong because of the close involvement, affiliation and understanding of our staff. They spend most of their time in the villages working with local people providing continuous support and training to ensure the success of each project. The goal being to have integrated community development with three main keys underlying each action:

          Aim to assist the poorest, who often do not even have US$0.58 c per person per day to live on

          Working with a strong involvement and commitment of everyone in the community

          Leading low cost and sustainable actions