
One project involves growing flowers for Tet holiday. Three households with very low income share a small plot of land to grow flowers for Tet holiday. Mr. Nhan, a farmer of one household, took many pains to study growing techniques in An Giang Province about 120km away.

The Tet flowers are of different varieties including daisies, sunflowers, and marigolds. Their growth season comes after the rainy season. Anh Dương supports funds to buy seeds and fertilizer. Additionally, Anh Duong supports the costs for training farmers in various growing techniques. The three families who have invested in this project are able to significantly increase their incomes. Anh Duong has also supported a project to provide wells for these three families, which they now use to water their plants. For poor families, even with land, the income is often too low. Some of them went to study horticulture in An Giang province (120km away) to learn flower growing techniques. When it is time to grow flowers for the Vietnamese new year, Anh Dương helps by giving seeds, loans and teaching the farmers techniques. Chrysanthemum, marigold, sunflower are sold on the market and provide a higher income for these poor families. Also Anh Dương helped by building a well in order to spray the field.


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